If you use this response option, it will prevent any further attempts to join from other Sims. Asking to “Join Sex Dialog” includes the “No, nobody can join in.” option. Lube will dissolve on its own after a couple of hours or a Sim can take a shower or bath to clean it off. You can buy the “Wicked Lubricant” item in the Wicked Store. The same effect can be achieved by applying lube to the entire body with the bonus of shiny skin.

This means that all BOTH (B) roles in every sex animation will be dynamically replaced with your choice. Swap Sims in same-sex scenarios depending on what you desire to achieve. Just click on a Sim and go into Wicked -> Personalization -> Role Assignment -> Gender Role and “Allow Any Gender Role”. It enables the Sim to play both the Male and the Female role in sex at the same time, which is especially useful for same-sex pairs, without altering all Sims behavior in the world via settings.